A futuristic soccer game player ?
Aaah :) this picture brings back a lot of memories when I used to frantically play some of these small wonders called
games on my Atari Ste ! As you may have guessed, I spent god knows how many hours in front of my tele playing speedball
and its amazing sequel, Speedball 2! If I remember well I developped game tactics (No, I won't give you my secrets, no way punk :)
so that I finally conquered the first division with my team. Got smashed to pieces then as next division was sooo hard (and unfair too).
Still images of soccer players/warriors haunted me so that I painted this "tribute". Too bad the body looks so unnatural as if there was
something stuck up the ass of this poor guy (hemoroids maybe ?). the background is pure shit if you ask me.
Add comments : I painted several different versions on this theme, most of them being smaller squetches, mostly unfinished. Simple
pencils were used as in most of my paperwork by the way.